CHQR Labeling System


The CHQR- Labeling System

For the grower we have designed a robust, secure means for labeling and tracking from seed-to-sale and farm-to-table.

With the “CHQR” Color Holographic Quick Response labeling system (pronounced “Checker”) the CHQR system provides for memory storage on every labeled seed and plant to document the historical data of the plant.

CHRQ provides geographic and supplier source data, and can be used to provide state or province required data for compliance reporting, while keeping other data private for the grower as a digital notebook.

The Agro-Bloom Technology Suite of products have been designed specifically to increase plant health, vibrancy, yield production and enable efficient propagation of target seeds, vines and strains, with a robust secure cloud based data labeling system to manage and store all the grower’s valuable information.

Why is this Important?

Within the US government alone, “labeling” issues create $40 Billion in losses per year. As much as 25% of the world’s products, from wine, medicine, food, precious metals, gems, luxury brands, and data and proprietary assets are adulterated, contaminated or counterfeit. It has been calculated for every pound of food produced as much as 8 pounds of food is wasted, contaminated, spoiled or lost. Food recalls, like those that recently effected strawberries, spinach, and romaine lettuce cost more than $50 billion dollars could have been entirely avoided or significantly mitigated using our CHQR, and Agro-Flash.


For the grower we have designed a robust, secure means for labeling and tracking from seed-to-sale and farm-to-table, with the “CHQR” Color Holographic Quick Response labeling system (pronounced “Checker”). This CHQR system provides for memory storage on every labeled seed and plant to document the historical data of the plant, its geographic and supplier source data, and can be used to provide state or province required data for compliance reporting, while keeping other data private for the grower as a digital notebook.

Seed to Sale

Farm to Fork

Grape to Glass

Plant to Product

CHQR Has You Covered!


A Little Something About

How CHQR Works

While all stages of production and growth can be encoded with CHQR labels, new CHQR labels can be automatically generated combining different modules, patterns, ingredients or processes securely encoding the entire life cycle, fabric or make-up of a workflow, plant or product.

CHQR is a Secure, Scalable, Flexible Labeling & Tracking System

​CHQR is fast, reliable, specially encoded and a 3D holographic integrated solution, which allows determining if a product such as a medicinal plant, a fine bottle of wine or any other product created or produced is what is claimed – its “provenance.”​ CHQR can be applied to any product or industry!

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